

Ear Piercing Services

Ear Piercing Services

Here at Little Miss Pamper, the quality & care of piercing is in our upmost interest. We understand that this can be a scary procedure and that’s why we do this service with two qualified technicians, so both ears get pierced at the same time. We start from 5 years old.

* Fully Insured.

*Fully Trained technicians.

One Ear Pierced £25.00.

Both Ears Pierced at the same time by two technicians £50.00. 

Choice of Princess to attend whilst having your ears pierced £40.00. 

This is what you will receive when having your ears pierced with Little Miss Pamper.

* Ears Pierced with certified Studs, plain, birthstone & crystal earrings available to choose from.

* Aftercare Lotion

* Personalised Certificate.

* Lollipops

(Parent or legal guardian must attend with child,  booking’s only.)



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